Korea's leading critic invited to the New National Theater in Tokyo, And Carnegie Hall


Editors Interview

Professor Sooyeon Sohn

Korea's leading critic invited to

 the New National Theater in Tokyo, Japan

And Carnegie Hall in New York, the world's best venues

The New National Theater in Tokyo, Japan, ambitiously produced and released a creative opera in 2019. They wanted to know the world's reaction and evaluation of Japanese opera and this new opera. The world-renowned conductor, Kazushi Ono, was appointed as the new artistic director and announced that he would continue to present works aimed at the world stage.

The new opera, "Aster", is based on the short story "The Story of Zion" by the Japanese writer, Junichiro Ishikawa, which was published in 1956. The world premiere was held at the New National Theater, and 70% of the tickets were sold, which is rare for an opera. Japan invited the Korean representative critic, Professor Sooyeon Sohn, to Japan to receive the world's reaction and evaluation of the work. Professor Shon wrote a review of the work, saying, "A stage that contemplates the true path of an artist - a high-quality new opera based on a Japanese novel." This review is still on the website of the New National Theater.

This is not the first time that Professor Sohn has been recognized for her skills on the world stage. In 2017, when the Korean original opera "Sunbi" was performed on stage as a special performance to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the founding of Carnegie Hall in New York, USA, Professor Sohn was the critic who took on the role of commentary and explanation and took the stage at the main theater of Carnegie Hall. This performance was a historic performance in which the entire act of a grand opera was performed at Carnegie Hall for the first time in Korean original opera. 

Review and Commentary for

The Korean National Opera Company , etc.

Professor Sohn's active performance on the world stage is naturally based on her active performance as a critic and critic in Korea. In addition to her reviews and commentary at the Korean National Opera Company, Professor Sohn has been writing reviews and commentary for the Korean Opera Awards, which are considered the highest honor for Korean opera singers and opera officials, and the winner's concert for the past 10 years. In addition, there is a saying that a performance is stable and valuable if Professor Sohn's face is seen at large performances and important cultural events in Korea. Professor Sohn, who started her career as a critic by writing for professional daily newspapers such as the Seoul Economic Daily, has written numerous columns, including the first female critic to be a regular cultural columnist for daily newspapers such as Asia Today and Women's Newspaper, and has left a book introducing opera and culture and art.

Play a key role in the general secretary of the Korean cultural and arts world

Play an active role in the Gwanghwamun Forum, etc.

Lead the establishment of the 100-year plan

for the Korean opera world

Professor Sohn is known as a hidden hero who has made a significant contribution to the Korean opera world, including playing a key role in the founding and early establishment of the Korea Opera Company Association, as well as planning and implementing the Korea Opera Awards and Korea Opera Festival, the cornerstone of the Korean opera world. Professor Sohn, who is the co-founder of the Korea Opera Company Association, which was the starting point for the reorganization and leap of the modern Korean opera world, is also known as a talented person who has a solid network in the upper echelons of the cultural and arts world, as well as playing a central role as an operating committee member of the Gwanghwamun Forum, a private organization representing the cultural world, which is the first place to visit and report to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism when a new Minister is appointed.

It is expected that Professor Sohn's experience and human infrastructure will make a significant contribution to the planning and implementation of the 100-year plan for the Korean opera, which is now 75 years old and aims to become the center of world opera and lead the development of classical music in Asian countries.


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