Korea's leading critic invited to the New National Theater in Tokyo, And Carnegie Hall
Editors Interview Professor Sooyeon Sohn Korea's leading critic invited to the New National Theater in Tokyo, Japan And Carnegie Hall in New York, the world's best venues The New National Theater in Tokyo, Japan, ambitiously produced and released a creative opera in 2019. They wanted to know the world's reaction and evaluation of Japanese opera and this new opera. The world-renowned conductor, Kazushi Ono, was appointed as the new artistic director and announced that he would continue to present works aimed at the world stage. The new opera, "Aster", is based on the short story "The Story of Zion" by the Japanese writer, Junichiro Ishikawa, which was published in 1956. The world premiere was held at the New National Theater , and 70% of the tickets were sold, which is rare for an opera. Japan invited the Korean representative critic, Professor Sooyeon Sohn, to Japan to receive the world's reaction and evaluation of the work. Professor S...